Konstantin Koetzner

A quote to have in front of you when you are a software developer

by Konstantin Koetzner

"If most computer people lack understanding and knowledge, then what they will select will also be lacking." - Alan Kay

Bill Kennedy says in the course Ultimate Go:

"I want every developer to have that quote in front of them day in and day out."

He goes on:

"Because you're making engineering decisions and it's easy to fall back into the decisions that you're comfortable with. But then you're losing sight about the progress that we have. Maybe there's better techniques and maybe there's better tech. Maybe there's something better out there. We don't take the time to look at it. This is what Alan Kay is saying."

"There are really, maybe, better ways to be writing that code in Go — Ideas around readability and simplicity."

For example: Write down the quote on paper and laminate it. Have it with you everywhere you are a software developer.

Photo of the course on video on a tablet and a laminated piece of paper with the quote on it.

"I want you to really kind of take in what Alan is saying there."